Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Twilight_Breaking Dawn

Book 1: Bella
Breaking Dawn begins with another preface in which our narrator, Bella, once again faced with death. This time, though, it's a person she loves who's about to kill her. She decides that her love for that person leaves her no choice but to sacrifice her life.

Cut to: Bella driving her new Mercedes Guardian, an engagement present from Edward. She feels uncomfortable because everyone in town is staring at her. As she passes by "Missing" posters of Jacob, we learn that he disappeared after receiving her wedding announcement. Bella recalls Charlie's reaction when she told him her decision to marry Edward. At first, he assumed she was pregnant. Later, both he and RenĂ©e admit that they knew it was coming. Bella and Edward tell them that after their honeymoon, they'll attend college at Dartmouth. 
Bella reminds Edward that he promised to make love to her after their wedding. Edward expresses his sadness over the fact that she'll never be able to get pregnant with his child. While Edward is out on a bachelor party hunt, Bella thinks about the mix of humans and vampires who will be at their wedding. The sisters from the Denali vampire clan are attending. She remembers Carlisle's story about their mother's death at the hands of the Volturi for creating an immortal child. The Volturi kill all immortal children in the vampire world, because their inability to control themselves threatens to expose the existence of vampires. The practice of transforming children into vampires is forbidden.
It's Bella's wedding day. Alice and Rosalie are getting Bella ready. Bella is nervous, but calms down when Charlie leads her down the aisle. Bella and Edward say "I do." Everyone congratulates the married couple, including members of the Quileute tribe. Bella is surprised to see Jacob show up at the party. They dance together. Jacob teases Bella that she's not going on a "real" honeymoon. When he learns that she's planning to sleep with Edward, he loses his temper. Edward and Seth have to restrain him. His outburst causes Edward to second-guess his promise to Bella.
Edward and Bella spend their honeymoon on Isle Esme, an uninhabited island off the coast off Brazil. The island was a gift from Carlisle to Esme. Their first attempt at lovemaking leaves Bella with bruises and Edward with a guilty conscience, but she keeps pressing him, so they try again. 
Days later, Bella realizes that she's pregnant and that her baby bump is growing at an unnatural rate. While she feels protective of whatever is growing inside her, Edward wants to get rid of "the thing." Bella secretly calls Rosalie for help. The newlyweds return home to Forks immediately.

Book 2 - Jacob
This part is from Jacob's perspective. The pack hears that Bella has a South American disease and is under quarantine. They assume this is the excuse they are giving to disappear. Against orders, Jake rushes to the Cullen's house, only to find a very sick and very pregnant, but alive, Bella. Edward looks like "a burning man" and explains all to Jacob. Bella is refusing to let anyone take the creature out of her, even though it is bruising her immensely. Rosalie is acting as Bella's bodyguard, also refusing anyone to take the baby out. Jacob reports back to the pack to tell what happened, and Sam decides that they must take action and kill the creature, and in the process, kill all the Cullens and Bella. Jake does not want to kill Bella, or the vampire he trusts, Dr. Cullen. Before the attack, Jake leaves the pack and takes his place as another Alpha and heads to the Cullen's house, with Seth following in support. Jake warns the Cullens of the plan, and he and Seth begin to patrol the perimeter. Bella's condition worsens as the baby breaks her ribs. Leah soon joins Jake's pack, wanting to be free of Sam and she begins to patrol as well. Sam sends messengers asking for their return, and tells Jake that they will not fight right now. Jake refuses to leave, though he would be happy if his other pack members did, but they refuse too. Soon after, Bella bends over without thinking, and damages herself badly. With Carlisle gone, Edward and Jake have to take the baby out right away and open Bella up, taking the healthy baby. They put her in Bella's arms for a moment, only to take her away as Edward begins to use his venom to change Bella. Jacob does CPR on her, trying to keep her barely alive body going. Jake thinks Bella has died and storms downstairs to see Rosalie holding the baby, who they name Renesmee. Jake is ready to kill the baby who he believes is the reason Bella is dead, and right then he sees the baby's face and imprints.

Book 3 - Bella
It begins with Bella laying down as Edward takes the baby out of her stomach and places her in her arms, but only for a second is she allowed to hold her. Bella becomes unconscious, and seemingly dead to Jake who leaves the room as Edward takes a syringe of his venom to stab Bella's heart and inject his venom. He also goes along her arm, biting and licking the womb. Bella describes the pain as fire, and remembers Rosalie saying it doesn't do any good to scream because there is nothing anyone can do about it. The days pass and Bella is silent, causing Edward to worry, but Carlisle assures Edward that Bella's injuries are about the same as Esme's were, and she was fine. After only two days, the transformation is complete and Bella sits up. Everyone is wary, especially Jasper, of Bella and her newborn strength and rage. Bella is calm and describes her new senses. She and Edward then go hunting in the woods nearby. When Bella smells some stray hikers, so runs forward with the intent of feeding on their blood. Edward is behind her, trying to stop her, Much to his surprise, Bella is able to stop and turn around and run the other direction, away from their lustrous smell. They then hunt for an animal, and Bella brings down a mountain lion with ease. When they return home, Edward describes what happened and everyone is amazed at Bella's control. They wonder if it is because she as been preparing herself for it for so long. Bella can smell Jacob and the baby, Renesmee, downstairs, and she is confused as to why Jake is still around. She wants to go see Renesmee though, and with all of the Cullens there to keep Bella under control, they allow it. Renesmee, although only a few hours old, looks like she is months old. She is very alert and is "talking" in her own special way. She has a power that allows her to communicate with others through pictures and memories if she touches someone's face with her hand. A worried Jake holds Renesmee out to Bella and Bella is able to hold her, only as long as Jake has his hands on her too. When Jacob calls Renesmee by a nickname, Nessie, Bella becomes furious that he named her after some mythical creature in Loch Ness, and the baby is handed off to someone else before Bella attacks Jake. Seth, a young werewolf and friend with the vampires, jumps in front of Jake and gets his shoulder injured. Bella is taken under control and calms herself down. Bella soon learns that Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee, and she doesn't like that idea at all, as Jake is now almost like a son-in-law, or will be in later years. During this time, things with the pack have settled, and Jake has control. Later, Bella, Jake and Renesmee are hunting in the nearby woods and Irina, the vampire from the Denali clan who fell for Laurent, sees them and takes off quickly. With Jacob and Renesmee, Bella returns home and reports what happened. Irina had gone to the Volturi, as Alice sees, and unfortunately for the Cullens, the Volturi have made their decision to come after them because they believe that Renesmee is a forbidden immortal child. The Cullens know that Irina was mistaken and decides the only way to stall the Volturi long enough to explain is to build a following of their own to witness for them. Bella forges documents for Jacob and Renesmee, just in case she needs them to escape. They all take a liking to Renesemee and agree to bear witness to the Volturi that she is not an immortal child. Bella also discovers her power of mind-privacy has a shielding effect she could possibly carry to others. During the month of preparation for the Volturi, several of the vampires with quantifiable supernatural talents help her learn to expand the barrier. When the Volturi finally come, all of the vampires, along with the werewolves meet in a clearing in the forest. Although they discover that they were misinformed, caus kills Irina as punishment for the wrong information, the Volturi are not satisfied to leave because they want to fight and take the vampires with gifts for themselves. Bella's gift disables the Volturi's offensive fighters, Alec and Jane because she can shield everyone on her side. Aro, Caius and Marcus are going to vote on whether or not Renesmee is going to be a danger to the vampire world when she grows up. Caius thinks she will be, but Marcus disagrees. Just before Aro casts his deciding vote, Alice and Jasper return with another half-human, half-vampire from South America who is now over one hundred years old. He and his two sisters (who are also half-vampire, half-human) have never caused any danger to the vampire world. Facing no other choice, Aro chooses to give up the fight, and the Volturi flee. However, before they leave, they reveal that the so-called werewolves are not actual werewolves, but rather "shape shifters", who adapted to only be able to shift into wolf forms. The vampires celebrate their victory, along with Edward and Bella, who have successfully protected their child. She places her hands on his cheeks and tries to push her shield away, something that she had been working on secretly. She brings up all of the specific memories that she wants Edward to see , and then Edward is finally able to see them. She shows Edward special moments between the two of them from her perspective, letting Edward see for the first time just how deeply she loves him.

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